iMindMap Ultimate 9.0.1

iMindMap Ultimate 9.0.1 Multilingual

iMindMap Ultimate is our flagship Mind Mapping and Brainstorming software, consisting of the full suite of advanced features from Fast Capture View through to Presentation View. Using an intuitive workspace, an unrestrictive structure and lots of visual stimulation, iMindMap is the perfect Mind Mapping tool for all thinking tasks. 

Features available in iMindMap Ultimate:

Capture ideas quickly
The fastest way to capture ideas, Fast Capture View quickly crystallises fleeting moments of inspiration. A single click creates an interactive bubble for you to type ideas into, quickly creating a web of thoughts.

Free-form Brainstorming
iMindMap is the only Mind Mapping software featuring a free-form Brainstorm View, to help you sort ideas before developing them in a Mind Map. Use sticky notes on an infinite canvas to represent even the most abstract of thoughts digitally.

Flexible Mind Mapping & Flowchart View
Endorsed by the inventor of Mind Mapping, Tony Buzan, you can create stunning Mind Maps and flowcharts. Channel your creative side and include icons, images and even link to other files, webpages and more.

Memorable presentations made easy
Design and deliver stunning presentations with iMindMap’s Presentation View. Utilise a full range of features to ensure your presentation looks professional, with 3D View, templates, slide notes, slick transitions and more. Take advantage of the range of tools geared to maximise your delivery.

Export into a variety of formats
Working with the most-used desktop programmes, iMindMap Ultimate can effortlessly export your maps into clean Word documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint, webpages, images and more. Integrating with Google Drive, Evernote and Dropbox, there are now even more ways for your work to be seen and shared.

Organise in one click
Working in sync in Mind Map and Brainstorm views, use the Outline Panel to locate and sort your work. You can drag and drop ideas from the canvas into the panel before editing them with ease.

Recommended Operation Systems:
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (32 and 64-bits.)

Home Page

Download :

--> link 1  : size-190 MB     Zippyshare

--> link 2  : size-190 MB     Solidfiles

--> link 3  : size-190 MB     Megaloads

--> link 4  : size-190 MB     Datafilehost

--> link 5  : size-190 MB

--> link 6  : size-190 MB     Gamefront

--> link 7  : size-190 MB     Rghost

--> link 8  : size-190 MB     Tusfiles

--> link 9  : size-190 MB     Mirrorcreator

iMindMap Ultimate 9.0.1

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