Nevercenter CameraBag 2.8.0

Nevercenter CameraBag 2.8.0

CameraBag is an award-winning app for Mac and Windows that brings a fresh approach to photo filtering. Using Lightroom or Photoshop can often be like driving a semi-trailer to pick up your kids from school. CameraBag offers a light and quick way to apply, tweak, and compare your go-to filters and adjustments across your photos. The toolset is remarkably robust, and is designed to handle all common photo editing tasks with ease, even on RAW photos. 

An essential addition to any photographer's toolset.
Many photographers use CameraBag alongside other photo organizing or retouching software as their go-to tool for quickly comparing different filters and adjustments on their photos. Others find that CameraBag fulfills all of their photo editing needs in a much more elegant way than their current photo software. Consider CameraBag either as an adjunct to your current photo editing tools or as an easy-to-learn big step up from basic photo editors. 

Photo editing, meet CameraBag's tiles.
Why is everyone raving about CameraBag? (See some of the quotes and awards below.) In large part it's because of CameraBag's revolutionary tile-based editing workflow. You can always see exactly which adjustments are applied to your photo, tweak them, nest or rearrange the order they're applied in, and layer multiple instances of any adjustment. Everything is non-destructive, editable, and easy to see and compare. Once you try it you won't be able to go back. 

Useful tools you won't find anywhere else.
CameraBag's tools cover nearly everything you'd want to do to a photo (aside from retouching to remove wrinkles or make people skinnier). And it includes tools you won't find in any other package. Advanced exposure and coloring tools, multiple kinds of tone curves, sharpening, cropping and more - all of these work with an ease that less-focused apps can only dream of.

Our proprietary Analog Engine features an astounding 96-bit color fidelity (especially useful on RAW photos), which means you can layer on as many adjustments as you need without losing smooth color gradations.

Analog Engine
CameraBag's 96-bit Analog Engine ensures your images retain smooth color gradations even with lots of adjustments. 

All of CameraBag's adjustments and effects are applied as non-destructive layers, so you can always see what adjustments you've made and tweak any of them. 

Raw Workflow
CameraBag easily handles RAW images with their additional color depth, giving you a much finer level of control over the tones in your photos. 

Batch Processing
You can apply any set of adjustments or pre-made filters, along with resizing, to entire folders of photos at a time with Camerabag's easy batch processing. 

Non-cheesy filters and an easy way to re-use looks.
Tired of fumbling through actions or presets to enhance your pictures? CameraBag takes the power of Photoshop's actions and makes it a dramatically more user-friendly process. If you don't know where you want to go with a photo, try one of CameraBag's many default filter presets, including classic film emulations. You can adjust any existing preset or design filters from scratch to save as your own re-useable presets. Filter effects can be large or small, for those wanting dramatic filters or lighter professional touch-ups. 

What's New in Version 2.8.0:
- Histograms: Added histograms and other useful graphs (use number keys 1-5 for shortcuts)
- Zoom: Added ability to zoom (scroll up/down)
- Mac OS Extensions: Added a nifty Photos extension
- Bug Fixes: Various bug fixes

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8

Download :

--> link 1  : size-50 MB     Zippyshare

--> link 2  : size-50 MB     Uptobox

--> link 3  : size-50 MB     Solidfiles

--> link 4  : size-50 MB     Datafilehost

--> link 5  : size-50 MB

--> link 6  : size-50 MB     Gamefront

--> link 7  : size-50 MB     Rghost

--> link 8  : size-50 MB

--> link 9  : size-50 MB

--> link 10  : size-50 MB     Tusfiles

--> link 11  : size-50 MB     Uploadmagnet

--> link 12  : size-50 MB     Mirrorcreator

Nevercenter CameraBag 2.8.0

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