Re-Loader Activator 2.0 RC 4

Re-Loader Activator 2.0 RC 4

This is application the loader activation all versions of Windows and Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2015, 2016 TP.It is possible to change the OEM information in the properties of the system ..

The following versions of Windows can be activated with this Loader:

Windows XP
* Home Edition SP3
* Professional SP3
* Media Center Edition 2005 SP3

Windows Vista
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Business
* Business N
* Starter
* Home Basic
* Home Basic N
* Home Premium
* Ultimate

Windows 7
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Enterprise E
* Starter
* Starter E
* Home Basic
* Home Premium
* Home Premium E
* Professional
* Professional N
* Ultimate
* Ultimate E
* Embedded POS Ready
* Embedded
* Embedded Thin PC

Windows 8
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Core
* Core N
* Core ARM
* Core Country SpecIFic
* Core Single Language
* Professional
* Professional WMC
* Professional N

Windows 8.1
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Professional
* Professional N
* Professional WMC
* Core
* Core Connected
* Core Connected N
* Core Connected Single Language
* Core Connected Country Specific
* Professional Student
* Professional Student N
* Core ARM
* Core N
* Core Single Language
* Core Country Specific
* Embedded Industry A
* Embedded Industry E
* Embedded Industry

Windows 10
* Professional
* Professional N
* Education
* Education N
* Enterprise
* Enterprise N
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB
* Enterprise 2015 LTSB N
* Home
* Home N
* Home Single Language
* Home Country Specific

//Win10 Pre-Release\\

* Home Connected
* Home Connected N
* Home Connected Single Language
* Home Connected Country Specific
* Professional Student
* Professional Student N
* Professional 2015 LTSB
* Professional 2015 LTSB N
* Home ARM
* Professional WMC

Windows Server 2008
* ServerDatacenter
* ServerDatacenterV
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseV
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* ServerStandard
* ServerStandardV
* ServerComputeCluster
* ServerWeb
* ServerSBSStandard
* ServerWinFoundation
* ServerHomeStandard
* ServerSolution
* ServerHomePremium

Windows Server 2008 R2
* ServerDatacenter
* ServerEnterprise
* ServerEnterpriseIA64
* ServerStandard
* ServerEmbeddedSolution
* ServerHPC
* ServerWeb
* ServerSBSPrime
* ServerSBSStandard
* ServerStorageStandard

Windows Server 2012
* ServerDatacenter
* ServerStandard
* ServerMultiPointPremium
* ServerMultiPointStandard
* ServerSolution
* ServerWinFoundation
* ServerStorageStandard
* ServerStorageWorkgroup

Windows Server 2012 R2 / 2016 TP
* ServerStandardCore
* ServerStandard
* ServerDatacenterCore
* ServerDatacenter
* SolutionCore
* Solution
* ServerCloudStorageCore
* ServerCloudStorage
* ServerStorageStandard

Windows Server 2016 Next-Gen
* ServerARM64
* ServerHI

Office 2010
* Access
* Excel
* Groove
* InfoPath
* OneNote
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* ProjectPro
* ProjectStd
* ProPlus
* Publisher
* Standard
* VisioPrem
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Word

Office 2013
* Access
* Excel
* InfoPath
* Lync
* OneNote
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* ProjectPro
* ProjectStd
* ProPlus
* Publisher
* Standard
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Word

Office 2016 / 365
* Access
* Excel
* OneNote
* Outlook
* PowerPoint
* ProjectPro
* ProjectStd
* ProPlus
* Publisher
* Skype for Business
* Standard
* VisioPro
* VisioStd
* Word

.NET 4.0 or Windows 7/8/2012.

CRC32 : 6EF6120
MD5 : 51bf57a8b830dfc9c4ea0d5b8dd7b843
SHA1 : 616977fb0984a37fbe66a48561715221bb095121
SHA256 : cf8ad812d8ec121379b82b7209b8a02eb246363d292ced753c4c5e6dc809f7ee

Changes in version:
Fixed a problem that happened when the instrument was unable to correctly read a xml file.

Download :

--> link 1  : size-MB     Zippyshare

--> link 2  : size-MB     Uptobox

--> link 3  : size-MB     Solidfiles

--> link 4  : size-MB     Datafilehost

--> link 5  : size-MB     Rghost

--> link 6  : size-MB     Tusfiles

--> link 7  : size-MB

--> link 8  : size-MB     Gamefront

--> link 9  : size-2 MB     Mirrorcreator

Re-Loader Activator 2.0 RC 4

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