PicBackMan build 76
Your photos & videos are precious memories. PicBackMan helps you keep your photos & videos safe, in multiple places, automatically. PicBackMan uploads photos to all the major online accounts including Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos / Picasa, Facebook, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Amazon S3 and Photobucket. 85,000,000+ photos have been uploaded with PicBackMan so far.
Seamless Video Uploads to Online Accounts
PicBackMan has built a robust uploader technology to bulk upload heavy video files to all your top online accounts, so your video memories are saved as safely as your photos. 1,500,000+ video clips have been uploaded with PicBackMan so far.
Migrate Photos & Videos
Looking to move your photos / videos to a new online account? With PicBackMan, its a click-click process and we deliver the most comprehensive solution to migrate your collection without any overhead. 5,500,000+ photos & videos have been migrated with PicBackMan so far.
De-dupe Photos
PicBackMan automatically scans and de-dupes your full photo collection and helps you take our the dupes so all your photos are organized correctly.
Packaged with Features
PicBackMan aims to be the most comprehensive, robust and reliable bulk uploader and is packed with tons of features.
What`s new:
Photo and Video upload made very robust.
Windows XP Compatible.
Improved subfolder support for Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive
Other bug fixes and improvements.
Home Page
Download :
--> link 1 : size-34 MB Zippyshare
--> link 2 : size-34 MB Files.fm
--> link 3 : size-34 MB Datafilehost
--> link 4 : size-34 MB Solidfiles
--> link 5 : size-34 MB Mirrorcreator
PicBackMan build 76
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