SiSoftware Sandra Business 2016.03.22.20 Retail

SiSoftware Sandra Business 2016.03.22.20 Retail

SiSoftware Sandra 2016 - a powerful set of tools designed for all kinds of information collection and diagnosis of various computer components, installed programs, and any other devices connected to the PC. Sandra is trying to surpass other similar utilities, and show the real picture, combining in one program opportunities for comparisons at both a high and low. You can get information about the CPU, chipset, video adapter, ports, printers, sound card, memory, network, Windows, AGP, ODBC connections, USB2, Firewire, and others.

Also, you can save, print and send by fax or e-mail, upload to a server or inserted into, ADO / ODBC database reports in text, HTML, XML, SMS / DMI or RPT format.

Key features Sandra:
"Getting detailed information about the devices and programs
"Creating a report with information about your computer
"Evaluation of the overall performance of your computer
"Benchmark Tests memory, CPU, video disks, etc.
"Getting tips on improving your PC
"Viewing the event log and information about the events themselves
"Comparison of test results with other similar systems
"Multilingual interface with support for Russian language
"Support for 3 platforms (Win32 x86, Win64 x64, WinCE ARM) in a single installer

Information about the motherboard / chipset / system monitors
Information about the processor and BIOS
Information about APM & ACPI (Advanced Power Management)
Information about devices and PCI buses (e), AGP, CardBus, PCMCIA
Video Information (monitor, video card, the BIOS video, etc.)
Information about OpenGL
Information about DirectX (DirectDraw, Direct3D, DirectSound (3D), DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectInput)
Information about the keyboard
Information on Mouse
Information about the sound card (wave, midi, aux, mix)
Information about the devices MCI (mpeg, avi, seq, vcr, video-disc, wave)
Information about joystick
Information about printers
Information about Windows memory
Information about Windows
Information about fonts (Raster, Vector, TrueType, OpenType)
Information about the modem / ISDN TA
Information about the network *
Information IP-based network *
Information on WinSock & Internet Security
Information about the disks (removable hard drives, CD-ROM / DVD, RamDrives, etc.)
Information about the ports (serial, parallel)
Remote Connections (Dial-Up, Internet) *
Information about OLE objects *
Information about processes and threads
Information about the modules (DLL, DRV)
Information about services and drivers *
Information on SCSI *
Information about the ATA / ATAPI
Information on sources of information *
Information on the CMOS / RTC *
Information on Smart and SIM cards *
CPU Arithmetic test (with support for MP / MT)
Multimedia test processor (including MMX, MMX Enh, 3DNow !, 3DNow! Enh, SSE (2)) (with the MP / MT support)
File System Test (removable disks, hard disks, network drives, RamDrives)
Test Removable Storage / Flash
Test memory bandwidth (with the MP / MT support)
Cache and memory test (with the MP / MT support)
Test bandwidth
Internet Connection Test
Internet speed test
Using hardware interrupts *
Using the DMA channels *
Using I / O ports *
Using a range of memory *
Enumerator Plug & Play *
Hardware registry settings
environment Options
Registered File Types
* Key applications (web browser, e-mail, news, anti-virus, firewall, etc.)
Installed Applications *
Installed Programs *
Start Menu Applications *
Programs and libraries to disk *
Installed Web Packages * (ActiveX, Java classes)
The event log*
stress testing Wizard * (test computer stability)
Connect Wizard (connect to remote computers, PDAs, smartphones and other devices)
Combined Performance Index Wizard (overall computer performance score)
Create a Report Wizard (save, print, send by fax or e-mail formats CIM (SMS / DMI), HTML, XML, RPT or TEXT)
Master increased productivity (Computer)
Environment Monitor Wizard (temperatures, voltages, fan speeds, heat cooling system, etc.)
Update Wizard for automatic version upgrades
Tip of the day
Extensive help file that contains more than 500 tips
Detailed online documentation (HTML) from the base of questions and answers

System Requirements :
Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / Win 7/2012 / Win 8 / Win 8.1 / Win 10 x86 / 64 

Home Page

Download :

--> link 1  : size-116 MB     Uploaded

--> link 2  : size-116 MB     Zippyshare

--> link 3  : size-116 MB     Datafilehost

--> link 4  : size-116 MB     Solidfiles

--> link 5  : size-116 MB     Mirrorcreator

SiSoftware Sandra Business 2016.03.22.20

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