DiskBoss Ultimate 6.7.16 (x86/x64)
DiskBoss is an automated, rule-based data management solution allowing one to perform disk space utilization analysis, file classification, duplicate files search and cleanup, high-speed file synchronization and data migration, bulk file delete and secure data wiping, disk change monitoring, automated, policy-based file management and much more.
Disk Space Analysis
File Classification and Organizing
Duplicate Files Search and Cleanup
Bulk File Delete and Secure Data Wiping
Automated, Policy-Based File Management
High-Speed File Synchronization
Secure File Synchronization
Secure File Copy Operations
Fault-Tolerant Data Migration
Real-Time Disk Change Monitoring
File Integrity Monitoring
What's New v6.7 (2016-04-06):
Adds the ability to categorize and filter results by the top-level directory
Adds the ability to preserve all files timestamps in file sync operations
Improves the DiskBoss command line utility
Fixes a number of bugs
System Requirements
Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Home Page
Download :
--> link 1 : size-14 MB Uploaded
--> link 2 : size-14 MB Zippyshare
--> link 3 : size-14 MB Datafilehost
--> link 4 : size-14 MB Solidfiles
--> link 5 : size-14 MB Mirrorcreator
DiskBoss Ultimate 6.7.16
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