DbMouse Pro 6.2.0
DbMouse is database-oriented data management console working with Microsoft SQL Server. It offers modern and effective tools for effective work with database. Although it is very simple to use, even for beginners, it offers powerful features for advanced users. It supports features to create simple application layer.
Working with data
-View or edit your data. Use easy-to-use quick filters. Explore master/detail relations using perfect and configurable master/detail browser. Use object lookup to see content of referenced row.
Database expolorer & administration
-Quick database explorer. Displaying up-to-date structure. Quick search between tables, view, procedures, functions and columns. Generate SQL scripts from database objects.
Query designer
-Design SELECT, UPDATE, DELET and INSERT queries. Use data preview ofr analysing of query result.
GPS Visualiser
-Visualise points, polygons, and lines on map. Use Open Street Map, Goole Maps, Bing maps and more than 50 other popular map providers. Export map with markers from database to WEB page.
Database project
-Keep all resources belonging to one database together! Contains SQL scripts, diagrams, connections, custom defined widgets and jobs on databases with similar structure. Ability to create packages.
Data widgets
-Collect useful scripts related to one table as data widgets. Use widgets in quick object-lookup or in complex object browsers.
Data jobs - export, import
-Import and export to various formats - CSV, HTML, TXT, MS Excel. Export data from query, multiple tables or views. Save and edit job. Use local storage as intermediate storage of your table data. Export/import wizard, customize column mapping, export/import of multiple tables in one step.
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DbMouse Pro 6.2.0
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